Streetcar Apollo Acceptance
Race 4 at Morphettville Parks
Date: Sat 6th Apr, 2024
Sportsbet Bet With Mates Handicap (Heat Of The F, 1000m
Class 2, Apprentices Can Claim, Handicap, $55,000.00
No | Horse | Barrier | Jockey | Weight | Win | Pl |
1 | Artistic Genius | 3 | J Holder | 60 | 38% | 0% |
2 | Storyteller | 1 | Todd Pannell | 59.5 | 43% | 0% |
3 | Losesomewinmore | 7 | Jake Toeroek | 59 | 43% | 0% |
4 | Sunzou | 4 | Rochelle Milnes | 59 | 17% | 11% |
5 | Kaido | 8 | Samuel Payne | 58 | 14% | 0% |
6 | Mintulee | 6 | Alana Livesey | 57 | 17% | 17% |
7 | Annie's Rose | 2 | Carleen Hefel | 56 | 40% | 0% |
8 | Everly | 5 | Jacob Opperman | 54 | 14% | 14% |
Trainer: Ben, Will & Jd Hayes Jockey: J Holder Weight: 60kg Barrier: 3
Record: 8-3-0-0 Prizemoney: $63,325.00
15-16 | Sh Nk13.2L , Flemington, 2024-05-18 1100M, Soft , Race 5, (Bm70), $80,000.00 (), Jockey: Ms J Kennedy, Bar: 2 , 57kg, 1:04.61 , , Settled-5 800-5 400-5 |
1-8 | 2.3L , Cranbourne, 2024-05-03 1000M, Good , Race 7, (Bm64), $40,000.00 ($22,000.00), Jockey: Ms J Kennedy, Bar: 1 , 59.5kg, 0:58.57 , , Settled-2 800-2 400-3 |
5-8 | 1/24.2L , Morphettville Parks, 2024-04-06 1000M, Good , Race 4, Hcp (C2), $55,000.00 ($2,050.00), Jockey: J Holder, Bar: 3 , 60kg, 0:58.54 , , Settled-5 800-5 400-3 |
1-6 | 2.3L , Ballarat, 2024-03-24 1000M, Good , Race 6, 3yo+ Hcp (64), $27,000.00 ($14,850.00), Jockey: H Coffey, Bar: 6 , 59kg, 0:57.87 , , Settled-3 800-3 400-2 |
4-10 | 3/42.5L , Racing.Com Park, 2024-03-03 1200M, Good , Race 6, 3yo+ Hcp (64), $35,000.00 ($1,750.00), Jockey: D W Stackhouse, Bar: 6 , 59.5kg, 1:11.69 , , Settled-2 800-2 400-2 |
Trainer: Michael Hickmott Jockey: Todd Pannell Weight: 59.5kg Barrier: 1
Record: 7-3-1-0 Prizemoney: $119,735.00
4-11 | 1.52.2L , Morphettville, 2024-05-04 1050M, Good , Race 3, E&G (Bm64), $75,000.00 ($3,750.00), Jockey: Todd Pannell, Bar: 4 , 60kg, 1:02.24 , , Settled-7 800-7 400-6 |
4-8 | 1/23.3L , Morphettville Parks, 2024-04-06 1000M, Good , Race 4, Hcp (C2), $55,000.00 ($2,750.00), Jockey: Todd Pannell, Bar: 1 , 59.5kg, 0:58.54 , , Settled-6 800-6 400-6 |
1-11 | 3/4L , Morphettville Parks, 2024-03-16 1000M, Good , Race 8, E&G Hcp (62), $50,000.00 ($27,300.00), Jockey: Todd Pannell, Bar: 3 , 59kg, 0:58.47 , , Settled-7 800-7 400-5 |
2-10 | Lg Nk0.5L , Gawler, 2024-02-29 1000M, Good , Race 5, Barrier Trl, (), Jockey: Todd Pannell, Bar: 7 , 0kg, 1:00.04 , Barrier Trial , |
8-10 | Hf Hd9.4L , Morphettville Parks, 2023-06-03 1000M, Soft , Race 4, 3yo Hcp (C1), $41,000.00 ($985.00), Jockey: Ben Price, Bar: 7 , 58.5kg, 0:58.31 , , Settled-9 800-9 400-7 |
Trainer: R & C Jolly Jockey: Jake Toeroek Weight: 59kg Barrier: 7
Record: 7-3-2-0 Prizemoney: $132,850.00
9-16 | Nk3L , Flemington, 2024-06-08 1200M, Good , Race 9, (Bm84), $130,000.00 ($2,600.00), Jockey: Declan Bates, Bar: 10 , 54.5kg, 1:10.17 , , Settled-5 800-5 400-3 |
1-16 | 1.3L , Flemington, 2024-05-18 1100M, Soft , Race 5, (Bm70), $80,000.00 ($44,000.00), Jockey: M J Dee, Bar: 12 , 59kg, 1:04.61 , , Settled-11 800-11 400-9 |
2-16 | Lg hd2.5L , Morphettville, 2024-05-04 1200M, Good , Race 9, 3yo+ (Bm74), $105,000.00 ($18,750.00), Jockey: Jake Toeroek, Bar: 10 , 56.5kg, 1:11.28 , , Settled-7 800-7 400-6 |
1-8 | 1.8L , Morphettville Parks, 2024-04-06 1000M, Good , Race 4, Hcp (C2), $55,000.00 ($30,000.00), Jockey: Jake Toeroek, Bar: 7 , 59kg, 0:58.54 , , Settled-8 800-8 400-8 |
3-8 | 1.32.8L , Oakbank, 2024-03-15 1050M, Good , Race 4, Barrier Trl, (), Jockey: Jake Toeroek, Bar: 2 , 0kg, 1:05.21 , Barrier Trial , |
Trainer: Travis Doudle Jockey: Rochelle Milnes Weight: 59kg Barrier: 4
Record: 18-3-4-2 Prizemoney: $128,350.00
6-14 | Lg Nk4.5L , Morphettville Parks, 2024-06-08 1000M, Good , Race 8, (Bm62), $50,000.00 ($1,000.00), Jockey: Rochelle Milnes, Bar: 7 , 60kg, 0:59.36 , , Settled-4 800-4 400-5 |
2-15 | 1.30.2L , Murray Bdge, 2024-05-25 1000M, Soft , Race 5, (Bm68), $55,000.00 ($9,800.00), Jockey: Rochelle Milnes, Bar: 8 , 57kg, 0:57.19 , , Settled-1 800-1 400-1 |
2-11 | 1.50.3L , Morphettville, 2024-05-04 1050M, Good , Race 3, E&G (Bm64), $75,000.00 ($13,350.00), Jockey: Rochelle Milnes, Bar: 9 , 59kg, 1:02.24 , , Settled-1 800-1 400-1 |
1-11 | 1.3L , Morphettville Parks, 2024-04-20 1000M, Good , Race 6, (Bm64), $50,000.00 ($27,300.00), Jockey: Rochelle Milnes, Bar: 1 , 57kg, 0:57.40 , , Settled-1 800-1 400-1 |
2-8 | 1/21.8L , Morphettville Parks, 2024-04-06 1000M, Good , Race 4, Hcp (C2), $55,000.00 ($9,800.00), Jockey: Rochelle Milnes, Bar: 4 , 56kg, 0:58.54 , , Settled-1 800-1 400-1 |
Trainer: D K Carrison Jockey: Samuel Payne Weight: 58kg Barrier: 8
Record: 21-3-5-0 Prizemoney: $98,505.00
2-13 | 1/20.4L , Murray Bdge, 2024-08-14 900M, Good , Race 5, (Bm56), $25,000.00 ($4,400.00), Jockey: Monika Wolanin, Bar: 13 , 59.5kg, 0:52.29 , , Settled-4 800-4 400-4 |
1-12 | 4.3L , Murray Bdge, 2024-07-24 900M, Soft , Race 5, (Bm56), $25,000.00 ($12,500.00), Jockey: Monika Wolanin, Bar: 11 , 57.5kg, 0:52.30 , , Settled-11 800-11 400-1 |
8-8 | 1/27.7L , Morphettville Parks, 2024-04-06 1000M, Good , Race 4, Hcp (C2), $55,000.00 ($1,100.00), Jockey: Samuel Payne, Bar: 8 , 58kg, 0:58.54 , , Settled-4 800-4 400-4 |
5-13 | 1/21.4L , Oakbank, 2024-03-30 1050M, Good , Race 9, 4yo+ Hcp (66), $50,000.00 ($1,850.00), Jockey: Samuel Payne, Bar: 4 , 58.5kg, 1:02.65 , , Settled-6 800-6 400-6 |
6-13 | 3/43.3L , Murray Bdge, 2024-03-20 1000M, Soft , Race 7, (Bm56), $25,000.00 ($925.00), Jockey: Rochelle Milnes, Bar: 6 , 61.5kg, 0:58.94 , |
Trainer: Ryan Balfour Jockey: Alana Livesey Weight: 57kg Barrier: 6
Record: 12-2-1-2 Prizemoney: $76,900.00
3-14 | 1.82.0L , Morphettville Parks, 2024-08-17 1000M, Heavy , Race 9, 4yo+ Hcp (64), $50,000.00 ($4,450.00), Jockey: Alana Livesey, Bar: 10 , 55kg, 1:01.68 , , Settled-1 800-1 400-1 |
3-12 | 1/22.3L , Murray Bdge, 2024-07-24 900M, Soft , Race 4, (Bm56), $25,000.00 ($2,450.00), Jockey: Rochelle Milnes, Bar: 3 , 59kg, 0:52.44 , , Settled-3 800-3 400-1 |
7-14 | Ns5.5L , Murray Bdge, 2024-07-13 1100M, Soft , Race 9, 3yo (Bm66), $55,000.00 ($1,100.00), Jockey: Alana Livesey, Bar: 8 , 54.5kg, 1:05.62 , , Settled-4 800-4 400-5 |
5-12 | 24.4L , Morphettville Parks, 2024-06-29 1000M, Heavy , Race 5, 3yo (Bm66), $55,000.00 ($2,050.00), Jockey: Alana Livesey, Bar: 12 , 55kg, 1:01.33 , , Settled-2 800-2 400-2 |
6-8 | 1/24.4L , Morphettville Parks, 2024-04-06 1000M, Good , Race 4, Hcp (C2), $55,000.00 ($1,100.00), Jockey: Alana Livesey, Bar: 6 , 55kg, 0:58.54 , , Settled-2 800-2 400-2 |
Trainer: Alexander Justice Jockey: Carleen Hefel Weight: 56kg Barrier: 2
Record: 5-2-0-0 Prizemoney: $75,425.00
4-8 | 13.5L , Morphettville, 2024-08-01 1050M, Soft , Race 12, Barrier Trl, (), Jockey: Rochelle Milnes, Bar: 3 , 0kg, 1:05.01 , Barrier Trial , |
7-8 | 1/24.7L , Morphettville Parks, 2024-04-06 1000M, Good , Race 4, Hcp (C2), $55,000.00 ($1,100.00), Jockey: Carleen Hefel, Bar: 2 , 56kg, 0:58.54 , , Settled-7 800-7 400-7 |
FF-7 | Sh Hd99L , Caulfield Heath, 2024-03-13 1000M, Good , Race 6, 3yo F (Bm64), $55,000.00 (), Jockey: Jarrod Fry, Bar: 4 , 59.5kg, 0:57.78 , |
2-10 | 1.81L , Gawler, 2024-02-29 1000M, Good , Race 8, Barrier Trl, (), Jockey: Rochelle Milnes, Bar: 2 , 0kg, 1:00.78 , Barrier Trial , |
8-10 | 3/47L , Moonee Valley, 2023-09-29 1200M, Good , Race 8, Scarborough Stks, $201,000.00 ($4,000.00), Jockey: Jarrod Fry, Bar: 8 , 56kg, 1:09.87 , , Settled-7 800-7 400-8 |
Trainer: W Clarken & N O'Shea Jockey: Jacob Opperman Weight: 54kg Barrier: 5
Record: 7-1-0-1 Prizemoney: $40,050.00
5-11 | 2.34.6L , Morphettville Parks, 2024-04-20 1000M, Good , Race 6, (Bm64), $50,000.00 ($1,850.00), Jockey: Jacob Opperman, Bar: 11 , 55kg, 0:57.40 , , Settled-10 800-10 400-8 |
3-8 | 1/22.3L , Morphettville Parks, 2024-04-06 1000M, Good , Race 4, Hcp (C2), $55,000.00 ($4,900.00), Jockey: Jacob Opperman, Bar: 5 , 54kg, 0:58.54 , , Settled-3 800-3 400-5 |
1-6 | 2L , Oakbank, 2024-03-15 1050M, Good , Race 8, Barrier Trl, (), Jockey: Ben Price, Bar: 7 , 0kg, 1:05.74 , Barrier Trial , |
9-10 | Lg Nk5.5L , Murray Bdge, 2023-10-07 1000M, Good , Race 3, F&M Hcp (64), $50,000.00 ($1,000.00), Jockey: Ben Price, Bar: 2 , 54kg, 0:58.21 , , Settled-4 800-4 400-4 |
8-8 | 1.37.1L , Morphettville Parks, 2023-09-09 1000M, Soft , Race 3, F&M (Bm64), $50,000.00 ($1,000.00), Jockey: Ben Price, Bar: 3 , 54.5kg, 0:59.37 , , Settled-5 800-5 400-6 |